My door is always open

I'm here for you. We can do this.

Come and meet me 1:1 to find out what you need to do in your life to boost you self belief and to find true happiness. I have done over 10,000 hours of therapy and I have definitely worked a lot out and would love you to come and see how you can live your fullest life and be truly happy. That's not to say that life can be easy, because it is not, but I have plenty of tips and growth for you that will help enormously.

My clients always surprise me with their courage and vulnerability and I have helped many people transform their lives. Here are some testimonials below.

So, what are you waiting for? It's your turn. I'm here for you.

What my clients say about me...... because that's all that counts, right?

"After years of therapy, I have found group sessions hosted by Georgina extremely beneficial. Her unique and insightful way of thinking has guided me to work through some lifelong blocks." C, Cape Town

" find my experience with her to be insightful, practical, enlightening and on the light side of things, fun & enjoyable (I don’t feel drained or exhausted when I leave which I have experienced in the past with other therapists). I highly, highly recommend Georgina! Tammy, Cape Town."